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Panther Builders Manual

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Vertical Stabilizer Tip Installation

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1. The vertical stabilizer tip is installed similar to the wing tips.  Check fit of stabilizer tip on vertical stabilizer (VT), mark and cut flange on fiberglass tip is same way as wing tip until edge of joggled area of tip is against the edge of the VT.

vertical stabilizer tip

2. The trailing edge of the tip might interfere with the top of the rudder.  Draw a line parallel to the top of the rudder approximately  1/8” to 3/16” up from rudder.

vertical stabilizer tip1

3. Make sure the leading edge of the tip is in line with the leading edge of the vertical stabilizer.  Leading edge of flange of the tip may need to be trimmed to allow tip to move forward enough.

vertical stabilizer tip2

4. Remove tip and mark skin for rivet placement.  Note there are a couple of ways to position holes since the vertical stabilizer has a swept leading edge.

5. The easiest way is to take a square from the top of the vertical stabilizer skin and mark rivet holes approximately 5/16” down from top of skin in line with each rivet in upper rib of the vertical stabilizer.

vertical stabilizer tip3

6. Picture showing all holes marked.  #40 holes can be drilled at all the marks in the skin.  Note: check alternate hole pattern below before drilling.

vertical stabilizer tip4

7. This picture shows an alternate pattern, where the hole for the tip is in line with the row of rivets for the front spar of the vertical stabilizer  

vertical stabilizer tip5

8. Replace tip, and position as required for best fit.  Transfer drill #40 holes drilled previously in the skin into the tip.  Make sure to cleco as you go, as this will spread the tip out and hold it to the vertical stabilizer.

vertical stabilizer tip6

vertical stabilizer tip7

9. Position vertical stabilizer tip closure rib P1310 in approximate position in tip.  This can be done with the tip in position and the rudder removed.

vertical stabilizer tip8

10. Pull the closure rib aft with an allen wrench or similar until rib is tight against inside of the tip at the aft end of the vertical stabilizer.

vertical stabilizer tip9

11. Transfer drill these 2 holes into the closure rib on both sides.  Mark a line on aft portion of the tip in line with the mounting holes drilled for the tip.

vertical stabilizer tip10

12. Mark and drill for holes to attach closure rib to tip.  Although not shown, we used the same rivet spacing as on the rudder skin.

vertical stabilizer tip11

13. Updrill and deburr holes, counter sink as desired.  Attach closure ribs with -42 rivets.  Tip can be attached with rivets or screws and anchor nuts as desired.

vertical stabilizer tip12