Here is a note from Bill Mosher – Panther SN046 – from Greer, SC.
Hi! I am Bill Mosher, live in Greer, SC. I am finishing my LSA Panther, serial #46. I started the build as a retirement project, after spending most of my life driving a “Big rig” over the road, mostly to Western U.S. and western Canada hauling High Value loads.
Over the past years I built a ranch house, a log home, and a round house that I currently live in. I left school when I was 16 and joined the U.S. Air force, where I received my GED. Having rebuilt several engines when I was younger I felt that with a little help I would be able to build a 3.0 L Corvair engine for my Panther. I attended a number of Corvair Colleges to brush up on the areas that I needed help with. The engine was completed in my garage and we ran it at the Corvair College in Barnwell, SC.
My Panther is hangared at Union County Airport in Union, S.C., 48 miles from home. After much talk about various makes of panels I decided on GRT.
It has a GRT EIS, GRT EFIS, GRT lateral and Vertical auto-pilot, GRT ADS-b in and out, a Garmin 327 transponder.
During my build I used the “Forum” to get the answers to questions that I had from other builders that were solved when they where building their Panthers.
One of my main concerns was who I could call when I had a real problem. Dan and Rachel have done their leg-work along with Paul Salter and they came thru with all my questions and had the answers. They were a phone call away, and answered the call. If you want to ask about parts, Lisa, at their shop has the answers. She will gladly take your order and pack it so that it arrives in one piece.
My plans are to a lot of cross country and local flying.
My build has been an education ongoing. I had thoughts that I may have bit off more than I could chew, but I believe that anyone can do this build. I had never attempted to do anything like this, and the comments that I get from other builders and flyers that see it at my hangar are the greatest reward ever.
So, in closing all that I have left to say is” Thanks to Dan, Rachel, Lisa, Paul and WW For being my friend and all your time that you spent helping me build my Panther!”