When deciding what to see while at Oshkosh you should check out their recommendations page. Even they say the Panther is worth checking out while you are there! AirVenture 2013 Aircraft Attractions We agreeso make sure you come see us!…
When deciding what to see while at Oshkosh you should check out their recommendations page. Even they say the Panther is worth checking out while you are there! AirVenture 2013 Aircraft Attractions We agreeso make sure you come see us!…
See the article in the EAA Experimenter May issue about the Panther’s first flight. EAA Experimenter May 2013 Issue
We had such a great week at SNF! Things went very smoothly and there was a good turn out every day. The reception of our project was very positive! We were very pleased with how a lot of pilots and builders appreciated how simple the features of the Panther are designed. Do not mis-read, it…
EAA News Article – Panther First Flight…
The Panther LS N515XP experienced her first taxi this evening! Everyone was very excited, and we couldn’t be happier with how she looks. Dan was happy with the controls, and everything went very smoothly. Here are some pictures (double click to make it full screen) and a short, fun video clip (click the diagonal arrows…
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