The Loss of Our Friend Bob ‘BRB’ Woolley

The below was written by Dan Weseman, and this is his ‘Bob Woolley Story’. Many of you have probably heard about the loss of our friend Bob Woolley in an airplane incident a few weeks ago. I wanted to take some time to put a few thoughts down. Please understand that I’m not a ‘writer’ […]
12 Days of Panther Christmas – Day 6
Builder and flyer Tony Spicer from Wilmington, NC has been flying his Panther for a few months now. Tony was one of our “Beta” builders – helping us develop the instructions and assembly procedures as well as any part modifications that needed to be done. Tony’s Panther is powered by a Jabiru 3300 and a Whirlwind […]
12 Days of Panther Christmas – Day 6
Builder and flyer Tony Spicer from Wilmington, NC has been flying his Panther for a few months now. Tony was one of our “Beta” builders – helping us develop the instructions and assembly procedures as well as any part modifications that needed to be done. Tony’s Panther is powered by a Jabiru 3300 and a Whirlwind […]
Tony Spicer’s Jabiru Powered Panther Takes to the Skies

Tony Spicer took his maiden flight in his Jabiru powered Panther LS today – and all went very well! Congratulations Tony! We appreciate you and all of your hard work, determination and patience that went into your build. Thank you for taking the time to make us all feel like part of your journey with […]
Panther #6 is Born – Tony Spicer gets his Pink Slip
Tony Spicer has received his air worthiness certificate for his Panther LS, powered by the Jabiru 3300. We expect some flight info in the next couple of weeks. Congrats Tony! You have built a truly beautiful airplane and your build documentation has given an immeasurable boost to the Panther builder community. From SPA and the […]
Tony Spicer’s Jabiru Powered Panther LS – First Engine Run

See Tony Spicer’s Jabiru powered Panther LS fire up on the first blade. Congratulations Tony! She is looking great! Here is a photo of Tony’s Panther with the cowling on. What a slick looking cowl!
Sun ‘N Fun 2016 – First Panthers EVER To Fly to an Airshow!
We are gearing up for Sun ‘N Fun 2016 and are so excited to say we will have the first customer built Panthers to join us there! Bob Woolley and Stephen Pedano of North FL will be flying in AND their planes will be in our booth on Thursday and Friday (weather permitting) of the […]
Woolley’s Panther Sport Transformed to a Beauty Queen!!

I am always so impressed by the power of a good paint job. Whether it be an airplane, car, house or boat a good paint job can completely transform something from good to amazing, breathtaking and eye-catching! So, when Panther Sport builder Bob Woolley told me his airplane was back from the paint shop I […]
Corvair College #35 and Builder Progress

Corvair College #35 in Barnwell, SC was a great time last weekend! The Corvair College is coordinated by William Wynne and his lovely wife Grace Ellen, with, Shelley Tomino, and P.F. Beck and his great crew at the Barnwell, SC airport. Our family drove up in the motorhome and pulled the Panther trailer behind […]
The Very First Customer Built Panther Sport Takes Flight!!

SPA is pleased (ecstatic really!) to announce that today, 8/5/2015 at 9AM EST, the first customer built Panther Sport, N109L Built by Robert (Bob) Woolley, took it’s maiden flight. N109L is a Sport version of the Panther with the short wing and a Lycoming 0-320 engine. It was inspected and received its air-worthiness certificate Monday […]