Catching Up With Builders at Sebring LS Expo!

We had the pleasure of having Larry Vetterman, founder of Vetterman Exhaust and Panther Builder SN062, come by to talk shop. He has been rocking and rolling on his build and sent a few photos in for us to see his progress. Larry received his kit in October of 2015 and here are some photos […]
Update on Progress

We had a great week at Sun ‘N Fun 2015! We were in the same booth as last year, at the end of the row outside of Hangar C on the corner. This location is great for us. We get good foot traffic because we are on the end, we have a little more room […]
The Good and the Bad….it’s all Breakfast to Team SPA!

The last few weeks have been challenging, intense, and all around crazy. We are an intense bunch, except for Travis – our amazing welder, who is the even keeled, reliable and steady workaholic of the bunch. Don’t get me wrong – we all are workaholics, but Travis is Mr. Rock Steady. Dan is always going from […]
Close to Wrapping Up the First 50+ Panthers!
Production is in full swing at SPA! We are keeping the momentum going and we have a very aggressive shipping schedule that delivers (currently) all 53 builders kits by mid March (minus a few minor small back ordered parts….of course)! We recently were at the Sebring Sport Expo and had a wonderful time meeting new […]
Production Updates
We have hit the ground running again after our wonderful trip to Barnwell, SC for the Corvair College. The spars are coming long great and will start shipping out to builders next week.
Panther Production Progress and FrankenCowling

These last few weeks have been composed of QA, catching up and organization. We have brought on a new employee to help with shop organization and shipping. He is a pilot and a college student, going for his degree in Aeronautical Engineering. When hiring someone to organize and manage all of the many parts that make up an […]
Cages, Mounts and Cowlings
This update is long overdue – but well worth the wait. Our welding, machine and fiberglass shops have been running non-stop and so much progress has been made! They are DONE! The fuselage fixtures AND the Lycoming dynafocal mount. Beta builder Bob Woolley’s fuselage cage is shown in these photos – and goes to powercoat […]
Panther Tail Cone

We have test fit the Panther tail cone parts and all is coming together nicely. These are the first of the matched tool parts and we are happy with the results! We also finalized much of the fuselage this weekend – very happy with how things are going. Fuselage tubing kits coming soon – full […]
Panther Fuselage Progress and Other Updates
The Panther Fuselage production welding is underway. We have a tube kit professionally cut off of a model that Dan designed with the CNC company. Then the tubes get fitted in the proper fixture and welded. There a many small fixtures, which create the sub pieces of the fuselage – then the sub pieces are […]
Starting 2014 Off Right!

Here we are, just a few days into 2014 and we have an exciting but very simple innovation! As you know – the Panther is designed with folding wings. Dan designed the fuel tanks to incorporate these really snazzy fuel quick-disconnect fittings that work very well. You simply pull the wings out a foot or […]