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Unicorns vs. Caterpillars

The technical definition of a unicorn, according to my friend Google, is this: u·ni·corn /ˈyo͞onəˌkôrn/ noun a mythical animal typically represented as a horse with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead. something that is highly desirable but difficult to find or obtain. The part that defined this use of the description Unicorn, for…

Goodbye 2016 and Hello 2017!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here is one of our favorite photos of the year. This is a photo of Stephen Pedano’s Panther LS at OSH 2016 Night Air Show. Thank you Ed Hicks, Flyer Magazine. This year has been a wonderful year for SPA. We have grown older, wiser, and more grateful for our customers…

Goodbye 2015 . . . Hello 2016!

First, to all SPA friends and customers – Happy New Year!! We just wanted to take a minute to say thanks for a great 2015. In 2015, our focus was production and documentation as well as keeping the front line of builders moving along. We made substantial progress and learned a lot this year. On…

Join us at SNF 2015 for Our 3rd Annual Gathering!

Click here to register for our 3rd annual gathering!…

What will the Cougar Look Like?

We have had a great deal of people asking us about the Cougar. Even though the Cougar prototype is still a glimmer in Dan’s eye he has done most of the engineering along side the Panther. Just to give some of you Cougar fans a taste of what the Cougar will look like Dan drew up…

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