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Customer Built

12 Days of Panther Christmas – Day 6

Builder and flyer Tony Spicer from Wilmington, NC has been flying his Panther for a few months now. Tony was one of our “Beta” builders – helping us develop the instructions and assembly procedures as well as any part modifications that needed to be done. Tony’s Panther is powered by a Jabiru 3300 and a Whirlwind…

12 Days of Panther Christmas – Day 5

On the 5th Day of Panther Christmas our builders sent to us – FFFFFFIIIIIIIVVVVVVEEEEE GGGGOOLLLLDDDEEENNN RRRRIIINNNGGGGSSS! isn’t right. Builder Barry Cole sent over a note about how he really enjoys the camaraderie of building. He has been finishing up another cool project (see below at the Avid Magnum) and now has some more time…

12 Days of Panther Christmas – Day 4

On the 4th day of Christmas our Panther Builders sent to us – Beautiful views!!! Here is a note from builder Rick Holland from Castle Rock, CO Rachel Attached some photos of my progress on my Panther. Have the fuselage on the gear and have a ways to go with it. Tail, wings and fuel…

12 Days of Panther Christmas 2018 – Day 3

On the third day of Panther Christmas our builders sent to us. Tom Kodey is a new Panther builder, SN104, from Port Orange, FL and he has been a busy guy over the last month. Tom picked up his kit from us in November and he is well on his way. Here are some photos…

12 Days of Panther Christmas – Day 3

Here are some photos from Panther builder SN059 Ryan Fiscus from Fort Worth, TX. Ryan is a first time builder and he has been enjoying his Panther building process! Here is what Ryan has to say about his build: “I don’t have too many photos of “me and the panther” but here are a few…

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