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Jimmy Miller’s Panther Sport – Maiden Flight Success!

Jimmy Miller’s Panther Sport is the 14th Panther to take it’s first flights. Congrats, Jimmy! What a great looking airplane. Jimmy lives in Wilmington, NC and his Panther is powered by a Lycoming O-320 and a 3 blade Catto propeller. Here is a note and photo from Jimmy: “Hello all, as I set on my…

EAA Airventure OSH 2017 – Update

Ben Krotje flew his Panther LS in with fresh paint on Monday morning. We were very excited to see the new paint job! Ben was secretive about his paint, so we were very excited to see the final product roll into the booth after landing. We were not disappointed! Check out the photos I shot…

EAA Airventure OSH 2017 – Update

Ben Krotje flew his Panther LS in with fresh paint on Monday morning. We were very excited to see the new paint job! Ben was secretive about his paint, so we were very excited to see the final product roll into the booth after landing. We were not disappointed! Check out the photos I shot…

Panther Builder Update – 168 Days from Kit Pickup to Engine Run

We have a trio of builders in Titusville, FL, Ed Brennan, Bob Rychel and Les Boatright, who sent a note over about their initial engine test run. They are using a Lycoming O-235 and recently started her up. They hope to have the airplane at the Deland Sport Aviation Showcase this November 2-4 2017. More…

Panther Builder Update – Jimmy Miller from Wilmington, NC

Jimmy Miller sent this note over a bit ago with some great pictures of his Panther all ready for inspection. He is finishing up his Panther Sport with a Lycoming O-320 and a 3 blade Catto Propeller. “Hi Rachel – I saw the pic on Facebook this morning and thought you might want a better…

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