Value, Versatility and Integrity

Here are some pictures on how we decided to jig up the wings, vertical stabilizer and the horizontal stabilizer.  This was a simple way to accomplish what was needed without making it to complicated or permanent considering the space constraints.  The wing jig is simply 2x4s and screws.  The wing is squared and checked for twist with a plumb bob. for a free-standing setup This can  be an inverted “T” at each end with a kicker to a wall ceiling or connected to each other for lateral stability.  Once the wing structure is locked (clamped) in place and level you have no more worries of twist like you would if built on a bench and you had to keep flipping over to work on the other side.  Plus you can work both sides at once with no bending over.  You can sit on a chair for the lower parts or a stool for higher up. this also takes up less space than a 10/4 ft wide wing laying flat! All control surfaces are easily jig-ed on a flat surface with two 2x4s 2 ft. long. You will need 4 6 inch and 4-6 3 inch “C” clamps

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