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Flight Testing

Panther Prop

We have been working with the Sensenich team of engineers to develop a prop tailored for the Panther.  It arrived last week and we have had a chance to fly it some and as we expected it is a beautiful propeller.  The prop is a 62” x 54 pitch composite over wood, painted black.  After…

Flight Review by Tony Spicer

I’m a very lucky guy! Dan Weseman invited me to come to Florida and fly the Panther, and last week I took him up on the offer. I knew the airplane would be down for prep and paint just as soon as the Phase I 40 hour fly-off was complete, so I had to get…

Lordy, Lordy – The Panther is 40!

3 pilots, 40 days and 40 hours! Yes folks, the 40 hour flight testing is complete as of this afternoon! The Panther Pilots – Bob Woolley, Dan and Tony Spicer (Left to right) Early this morning Tony Spicer got his first flight in the Panther. He came back with what has been dubbed the “Panther…

Flight Testing Update and Photos – Bob Woolley

This flight continues to build time on the Panther and now has 30.3 hours on the Hobbs. The flight departed Haller Airpark at 0945 for a local flight with a fellow RV owner and Panther support member on the wing. A series of light aerobatics were completed with general wing work for Chris Smith in his RV 4…

Flight Testing Continues – Review and Video from Bob Woolley

Flight testing continues on the Panther with over 27 hours of flight time showing on the hobbs. To date, the Panther has shown no bad habits or traits. It is predictable and easy to fly, goes where you point it and with the 100-110 HP Corvair performs like an aircraft with more horsepower. For a LSA conforming aircraft, it has…

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