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Flight Testing

Panther Flight Testing Cont…

With 8 flights and over 5 hours flight time in N515XP I guess I’m the worlds high time pilot for Panther LS sport aircraft, and it is time to give my impressions. These are only impressions and flight testing will continue over the next 4-5 weeks (if all goes well). The airspeeds given are plus or…

Test Flight by Beta Builder and Ret. AF Pilot – Bob Woolley

Here is a synopsis of Bob’s flight per his words – Video link at the bottom – “These are my first impressions of the Panther after an approximate 40 minute flight on April 23, 2013. The location was at Haller Airpark, a turf runway at 1825 local time. Winds were light with a slight right…

Flight Testing Continues…

Flight testing has continued since Sun’NFun. So far there have been 4 test flights and approximately 2.5 hours on the airframe. Testing is going well, only small tweaks to the avionics required so far. We are also working on a FAQ page update, this will be posted soon. Enjoy! See the video on YouTube here:…

EAA News Article – Panther First Flight

EAA News Article – Panther First Flight…

Panther First Flight Test – Success!!

We took the Panther back down to our local public airport this morning for the first test flight – and it was amazing! The weather was super calm and clear, we couldn’t have asked for better conditions for a test flight. The Panther team pulled together and we all knew it was time for business…

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