Paul Dye – the Editor in Chief of KITPLANES – flew the Panther this week for a flight review. And he liked it! We don’t want to say to much about his opinion of the Panther since he will be publishing it in his article, but the de-brief was very positive. He used words like “harmonious” and “beautiful”. You can expect the flight review in KITPLANES early spring of 2014.
Paul flew to FL from Reno where he and his lovely wife Louise are building their hangar home. Paul has been an avid home builder since his teen years. He recently retired from a 40 year career with NASA in their Human Flight Program as a flight director and in addition to his duties with KITPLANES he continues to consult on flight testing programs.
Paul and his wife built their RV3 together and also have an RV8 and an RV6. Louise commutes to her job in the RV6! How awesome is that! Talk about an aviation couple!
Here is a video of Paul and his RV3.

Paul talked extensively with Dan about the Panther design, got the full tour of the shop and visited with beta builder Bob Woolley – getting a chance to look at his Panther build project. We had a wonderful visit with Paul and are very impressed with his extensive knowledge of experimental aviation. He is certainly a great choice for the helm of KITPLANES.
And here is a teaser article on KITPLANES about Paul’s Panther flight and the upcoming full flight review.