Glad to see a familar face.
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A forum for Panther aircraft builders and Enthusiasts. Two simple rules: Play nice and use a real name
A forum for Panther aircraft builders and Enthusiasts. Two simple rules: Play nice and use a real name
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- First Name: Mess
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Re: Glad to see a familar face.
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Sat May 25, 2013 5:30 pm
- First Name: Harold
- Last Name: Bickford
- State or Province:
- Location: Auburn, Nebraska
Re: Glad to see a familar face.
Also my email is
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Sat May 25, 2013 5:30 pm
- First Name: Harold
- Last Name: Bickford
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- Location: Auburn, Nebraska
Re: Glad to see a familar face.
Kerry,I'm sure we'll meet again and we look forward to that.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sun Sep 22, 2013 3:01 pm
- First Name: Kerry
- Last Name: Owen
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- Location: Farmington MO
Re: Glad to see a familar face.
Harold,habickford wrote:Kerry and Kathy,
Welcome to the Panther cave. The Panther is neat, no question.
It was good to meet you both at the Zenith open house after CC#26.
Harold and Edi
Same here...!
In retrospect...I hope I did not discourage Edi with anything I I really did appreciate her...and your concern's and supportive comments. You are both a very caring couple. Hope we see you both again.
Kerry & Kathy
- Posts: 22
- Joined: Sat May 25, 2013 5:30 pm
- First Name: Harold
- Last Name: Bickford
- State or Province:
- Location: Auburn, Nebraska
Re: Glad to see a familar face.
Kerry and Kathy,
Welcome to the Panther cave. The Panther is neat, no question.
It was good to meet you both at the Zenith open house after CC#26.
Harold and Edi
Welcome to the Panther cave. The Panther is neat, no question.
It was good to meet you both at the Zenith open house after CC#26.
Harold and Edi
- rlweseman
- Site Admin
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- First Name: Rachel
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Re: Glad to see a familar face.
Wow! Kerry and Kathy - so nice to meet you both (online)! Thank you for the great introduction. Your farm sounds very impressive. We are glad to have you looking at our Panther and look forward to hearing more from you. Welcome, and please let us know if you have any questions. You are spot on about Tony, he and the rest of the beta builders have been so amazingly great. As you know, we have a great team of builders and would love for you to join us after the CH750 is done.
All the best,
All the best,
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sun Sep 22, 2013 3:01 pm
- First Name: Kerry
- Last Name: Owen
- State or Province:
- Location: Farmington MO
Glad to see a familar face.
Kerry and Kathy Owen here from Farmington / Viburnum MO.
Retired manufacturing engineer from the tactical aircraft industry. (McDonnell Douglass / Boeing )
We have a farm near Viburnum MO with an unfinished 2400 ft grass strip and a large shop building. Presently drawing up plans for a new house to replace a 100+ old farm house.
Have been involved with late model 65-69 Corvairs for over 45 years including two Crown V8 conversions. Still have a good stockpile of Corvair engines and parts.
Used to build and race Turbocharged nitrous Funny Bikes for a living in the 70's and early 80's out of a shop I owned in Maplewood MO.
Current project is a Zenith 750 to be powered by a 110 Corvair following WW's guidance.
Just returned from the Zenith open house in Mexico MO and had the chance to renew old conversations with William and Grace. Until this past weekend I was unaware of the Panther...and am now smitten...!
What a beautiful, well thought out design...! The perfect single seat LSA for the Walter Mitty in each of us.
Have to finish the 750 first...but have added the Panther to my bucket list and will be following new developments closely.
Happy to see Tony Spicer involved with a beta build. What a stellar individual. Anyone who flew rear seat in a "St. Louie Slugger" is tops in my book... and his contributions to the flying / building community have been rarely if ever matched. First met Tony when I bought Sonex plans and attended a workshop at the Sonex facility.
Originally intended to build a Sonex but my handicapped wife decided it is simply too difficult for her to enter or exit a low wing aircraft...but she has very little difficulty with the high wing a CH750 became our project.
Hope to lurk in the background and learn from those now building....and contribute where I can.
Retired manufacturing engineer from the tactical aircraft industry. (McDonnell Douglass / Boeing )
We have a farm near Viburnum MO with an unfinished 2400 ft grass strip and a large shop building. Presently drawing up plans for a new house to replace a 100+ old farm house.
Have been involved with late model 65-69 Corvairs for over 45 years including two Crown V8 conversions. Still have a good stockpile of Corvair engines and parts.
Used to build and race Turbocharged nitrous Funny Bikes for a living in the 70's and early 80's out of a shop I owned in Maplewood MO.
Current project is a Zenith 750 to be powered by a 110 Corvair following WW's guidance.
Just returned from the Zenith open house in Mexico MO and had the chance to renew old conversations with William and Grace. Until this past weekend I was unaware of the Panther...and am now smitten...!
What a beautiful, well thought out design...! The perfect single seat LSA for the Walter Mitty in each of us.
Have to finish the 750 first...but have added the Panther to my bucket list and will be following new developments closely.
Happy to see Tony Spicer involved with a beta build. What a stellar individual. Anyone who flew rear seat in a "St. Louie Slugger" is tops in my book... and his contributions to the flying / building community have been rarely if ever matched. First met Tony when I bought Sonex plans and attended a workshop at the Sonex facility.
Originally intended to build a Sonex but my handicapped wife decided it is simply too difficult for her to enter or exit a low wing aircraft...but she has very little difficulty with the high wing a CH750 became our project.
Hope to lurk in the background and learn from those now building....and contribute where I can.