Sport or LSA Wing?

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Re: Sport or LSA Wing?

Post by xtricity »


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Re: Sport or LSA Wing?

Post by xtricity »

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Re: Sport or LSA Wing?

Post by rlweseman »

LSA is the only option if you want a tri-gear.

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Tony Spicer
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Re: Sport or LSA Wing?

Post by Tony Spicer »

The best answer to the question will come from the designer.

But here's my take. Two identical airplanes, one short wing the other long wing. Short wing slightly higher roll rate, top end and stall speed. Long wing better climb, lower stall speed and lower top end.

My guess is the differences would be small. Maybe a really light Panther with short wings could make LSA stall speed.


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Re: Sport or LSA Wing?

Post by Tony Spicer »

RonFranck wrote:
As a curiosity, can the Panther initially be built as the Sport version but converted to LSA with a new set of wings and re-certification? :?

Ron Franck

The prototype Panther has long wings. Remember that it is not registered as anything other than a EAB. If it meets LSA requirements then it can be legally flown by a Sport Pilot. The early Europa was available with two sets of wings.


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Re: Sport or LSA Wing?

Post by Kokemiller »

I am leaning toward the sport as well. Health is good and have a plane for cross country, just need a mid life crisis adrenaline rush.

O-320 is my current power preference but Jabiru and Continental are being considered.

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Re: Sport or LSA Wing?

Post by csjohnson65 »

Also going Sport probably with an O-320 or possibly ULPower; faster roll rate and cruise. Mission is also fun flying with basic aerobatics (no inverted oil/fuel systems), and relatively short cross countries of 1-2 hours.

At present I'm healthy and no issues with maintaining my 3rd class medical, but if that comes into question I can swap wings and engine and fly LSA.


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Re: Sport or LSA Wing?

Post by mjpalermo »

I'm going to build the sport version, likely with a Lycoming 0-320 but the engine decision hasn't been made. My mission is aerobatic fun flying.

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Re: Sport or LSA Wing?

Post by RonFranck »

First, I've a question of my own. Is the prototype the LSA version? I was thinking it was, but I don't recall anything mentioned specifically.

At first I had intentions of going with the Sport version. After my last physical I decided perhaps the prudent thing to do was to instead build the LSA version. I don't foresee doing a lot of cross-country flying. I suspect the majority of my flight time will be localized. The higher cruise speed is attractive in the sport version but in aviation everything is a compromise including bigger motors, more fuel capacity and higher burn rates. Realistically, the LSA should meet my requirements just fine. Additionally, as our pilot population increases in age the LSA should meet the demands of the buyer's market should I decide or need to sell. I should add I only have a 2 hour bladder, so being a distance flyer is not a priority, and I have a straight and level stomach. G's are my undoing.

As a curiosity, can the Panther initially be built as the Sport version but converted to LSA with a new set of wings and re-certification? :?

Ron Franck
Last edited by RonFranck on Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sport or LSA Wing?

Post by rlweseman »

I got a note from a builder about choosing the Panther Sport or LSA version. This builder was interested in what others were choosing and why, as he is still undecided. Can you guys chime in and give your two cents/pros and cons - from your point of view?

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