Panther s/n 083 that I fly stalls Pwr-Off Clean at about 44-45 Knots indicated, and with full flaps at about 39-41 Knots indicated. So maybe 3-4 kts slower using Full flaps. I've done quite a few pwr-off stalls in the Panther (at all flap settings) and a few partial pwr-on stalls. All of the stalls are very benign, with a quick/easy recovery, and the nose just dips down going straight ahead, with little tendency to roll off on one wing or the other.
I do not use flaps for take-off. I tested this during Phase-1, trying 1-notch of flaps for a few take-offs. Agree with the other gentleman that there was no notable difference observed for a 1-notch T.O. I typically take off from pavement, so using the first notch of flaps might make for a slight improvement if you're operating from grass or soft fields. Guru Weseman would be better able to speak to that.

For landings, I typically lower first notch of flaps on downwind, abeam the touchdown, then go to second notch on Base leg. That's usually where I keep it all the way to touchdown. I like to always protect for a Go-Around option, and it's easier to accelerate and climb out if you don't have the Full flaps deployed, and that way you don't have to make a quick job of cleaning up the flaps while also applying go-around power & establishing the climb.
Of course if I find myself a little high on final, I can drop that last notch of flaps to steepen the approach, but more often than not, I'll just kick in a mild side-slip for a few seconds as needed to help converge w/ the glide path I want.
The Panther is a Fantastic Flyer! Enjoy your first flight!!
Les Boatright
EAA Chapter 866 President
Titusville, FL (X21)
Panther s/n 083 - "Radio Flyer" (abt 100 hours total now)