panther #6

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Re: panther #6

Post by csjohnson65 »

I also attended the EAA Sportair Workshop in Orlando, specifically the Sheet Metal class. In fact, Stephen and I worked at the same table together. I completely agree with him that it's a great class and well worth the time and money for a first time builder. You'll learn how to dimple, countersink, drill, debur, cut, shape, clamp, cleco, rivet, measure, and more. And, if you're working with someone like Stephen, you'll also learn how to correct your mistakes!

As Stephen has already started building his empennage, I also learned from him that if you're building a Panther from a kit, how much to appreciate matched-holes, pull rivets and pre-formed parts! We built the trailing edge of a wing section, including an aileron. We had to measure, mark, and drill all of the holes, use various types of rivets, and in some cases cut and form parts. It took almost two days, but with a kit predominately of matched-holes, pre-formed parts, and pull rivets, it could have been assembled in a few hours.

Stephen, I look forward to flying formation with you in our Panther Sports!


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Joined: Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:08 pm
First Name: Stephen
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panther #6

Post by swpedano »

Hello everyone I'm Stephen Pedano live in Jacksonville Florida I'm a first time builder so please bear with me. I just got back from the work shop eaa had in Orlando vary good class. If you haven't built an airplane go to this class vary helpful.

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