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Joined: Sun May 19, 2013 8:11 am
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Location: Marmora, New Jersey


Post by GlenNJ »

Here is their login:

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Post by danweseman »

Glen ,I have second chance under the bench from my Phantom UL. Do you have a link for them? Dan
Dan Weseman
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Post by GlenNJ »

Ballistic parachutes never seem to draw much interest with airplanes like the Panther. I guess the high prices of the systems, make people loose interest. It would be a nice option to have while flying over inhospitable terrain, but a recovery system sized for the Panther would probably be well over $5,000. I looked up Magnum parachutes on-line because I had never heard of them, and found out something interesting. Second Chantz parachutes is back in business. There rocket is neat because it uses compressed nitrogen instead of a burning rocket. Second Chantz seemed popular at one time, and I never understood why they went out of business.

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Post by rlweseman »

The production fuselage will have tabs to attach the lanyard in the base of the roll bar. The chute would mount in the baggage area and fire through a panel in the aft portion of the canopy. No lanyards would be outside of the fuselage.
We have had the most amount of contact with Magnum parachutes and think this will be the option we go with in the future.
Despite multiple attempts to contact the engineering department at BRS we have had no response. The interest in airframe parachutes, to date, has been very low - therefore it has not been on the top-priority list.

Posts: 152
Joined: Sun May 19, 2013 8:11 am
First Name: Glen
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City or Town: Marmora
State or Province: NJ
Location: Marmora, New Jersey


Post by GlenNJ »

On your ad for the Panther, it says the frame will have attachment points for a Ballistic Recovery System. I've been wondering how this system would work on the Panther. Would the rocket fire out the top or side of the fuselage? If it fires out the top, would it fire through the canopy, or through the aluminum behind the canopy? Would any parts of the harness have to be mounted on the outside of the fuselage, or could the whole harness be mounted completely inside the fuselage?

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