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Re: Builders on the west coast.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:44 pm
by Matsu727737
adamazio wrote:Rick, I'm in fallon ,NV just over the hill from you.
I'm building a panther sport wing ,about 70% complete.
your more than welcome to come take a look.
Al Damazio
Al, I’d love to check your airplane out! When I get my Grumman Tiger out of annual, maybe we could set something up. It would be an easy flight over the hill for me to come take a look. Not sure when my airplane with be ready.
If you would like to contact me, my email is and phone is 530-562-5379. Thanks!
Rick Hellwig

Re: Builders on the west coast.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 7:54 pm
by brucegray
Yeah, I need to focus more and working on that. Built an 8 up to the firewall and sold it. Bought another 8 Emp Kit built it and stalled for Career Change, not by choice. Somewhere was hooked on the Panther roaming through forums or something aviation then started following the Prototype. It flew and I ordered a Tail Kit. After building the 8 again and having it hanging it's not very personable with passengers and I'm 10yrs older so here comes the RV7. So, selling the 8 tail currently and crating it for shipping.
Goal is to proceed on the Panther with eyes open for abandon RV7 kits to cut the build time. Need to turn off Barnstormers Sheesh! So only a few irons in the fire. I only need 2 airplanes, One for the solo flights and Second, for the friend and wife flyer.

Yes Al - I'll be giving you a call this weekend to see when it's a good time to view your Panther. Very Cool! Though I was the Lone Wolf out in this neck of the Desert. ;)

Bruce Gray
Panther - 85

Re: Builders on the west coast.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 1:23 pm
by at7000ft
brucegray wrote:Hello Al,
I am building a Panther as well but only tail done so far. Finishing an RV7 rudder at the moment to get that done and out of the way for the time being to get back to Panther. Getting ready to order the aft fuse kit. Would it be possible to schedule a visit as well? I'm just up the road from you in Dayton.
Please feel free to give me a call and we can set something up.

Bruce Gray
Dayton, NV
Wow, that's serious motivation, building an RV-7 and a Panther at the same time.

Rick H

Re: Builders on the west coast.

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 11:17 pm
by adamazio
Bruce, no problem.
sorry for the late answer- i don't get on the forum much.

call me- 360-620-6121

Re: Builders on the west coast.

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 11:31 am
by brucegray
Hello Al,
I am building a Panther as well but only tail done so far. Finishing an RV7 rudder at the moment to get that done and out of the way for the time being to get back to Panther. Getting ready to order the aft fuse kit. Would it be possible to schedule a visit as well? I'm just up the road from you in Dayton.
Please feel free to give me a call and we can set something up.

Bruce Gray
Dayton, NV

Re: Builders on the west coast.

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 9:28 pm
by adamazio
Rick, I'm in fallon ,NV just over the hill from you.
I'm building a panther sport wing ,about 70% complete.
your more than welcome to come take a look.
Al Damazio

Builders on the west coast.

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 7:55 pm
by Matsu727737
Are there any Panther builders, (or completed aircraft), in the western USA that might be willing to show me their aircraft. I’m thinking of building one, but would like to see one before proceeding. Thanks!
Rick Hellwig,
Nevada City, CA