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Prototype Construction

Rolling Forward

The roll cage has been fitted, and some more adjustments made. Few more adjustments to come, then final welding. Should be ready for powder-coating by the end of next week. Forming of the test wing ribs continues…

Brakes, Fuselage and Spar Updates

The brake and rudder pedal combo is coming together. Along with the spar and wing ribs. The spar is bolted and riveted. See pics below. A big shout out this week to Chris Welsh, Rick Koch and Ricky Reubel for your excellent workmanship, enthusiasm and Panther Spirit…

22 days and counting

That is right, only 22 days until Sun’NFun. We are having a the first annual SPA Sun’NFun BBQ on Friday, the 30th time is TBA. Come by the booth – N034 – to get directions and details. The Panther Prototype Build Club will be diligently working away this week on finishing the spar assembly, fuselage…

Test Spar Assembly

The spar is really coming together. What a shame we are going to have to break this beautiful spar! We have been reaming out holes and deburring, prepping for riveting. Total assembly time to date, including cutting out spar caps and manually cutting/drilling the outer spar web, is about 8 hours. We are pleased with…

The Test Wing Is Coming Together

The stiffeners for the test wing arrived, they are amazing! The panther spar is typical in design in many respects. It uses a 6061 T-6 AL angle as caps that are riveted to the spar web. The wing skins rivet into the angle as well. The inner portions of the spar where loads are very…

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