We had a great time at SNF this year. The traffic was good through the booth all week. We had many familiar faces, and got to meet people we hadn’t yet put a face with their name from online chatting, emails and phone calls. Sun ‘N Fun is a great place to hang out with like minded aviator enthusiasts and the weather was better than anyone could have hoped for. The kids had a great time too!
A quick photo of Panther Beta Builder Tony Spicer – Jabiru 3300 with Luke at our nightly Margarita Ville unwind session –

Here are a few shots of our booth at the end of the row outside of Hangar C – by the flight line.
Paul had his impressive 3-D printer setup in the booth as well and it really drew some interest. Watching the printer run through the process is sometimes just mind boggling. Kind of like the cell regeneration in the movie “The 5th Element”… You know – the one with Bruce Willis, set in the future and the girl with the orange dread locks drops through the ceiling of his cab? Anyway….
A good friend of ours, Sara Ashmore, had run her Corvair engine at the Corvair College @ Leesburg, FL the weekend before and she was sporting the most awesome achievement face I have seen since the Panther prototype’s first flight! She had the true “I DID IT!” face on this weekend and the positive vibes coming off of her were just inspirational! Go Sara! We are so happy for you! And her engine happens to be my very favorite color – PURPLE!

I have this dear friend of mine -Ben Krotje with GRT, Panther Builder SN007 – that gave the ultimate sacrifice to me. He gave up his seat for a ride with Team AERODYNAMICS for me! HOW AWESOME IS THAT! I know you all have great friends – but do any of you have a friend who would do that for you??? HUH??? Well – lemme tell you friends – this is the ultimate, once in a life time gift and I HAD A BLAST! THANK YOU BEN AND TEAM AERODYNAMICS!

We hosted our annual cookout Friday night and had about 60 people join us! For those who couldn’t make it to our “Dinner and a Movie” you can click the video below to see a compilation of Panther videos I put together for the event. This is mostly things you have probably seen before, but maybe some you have forgotten. Enjoy!