Instrument Panels and Interiors

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Re: Instrument Panels and Interiors

Post by Seansull »

Hey Guys!

I’ve started two new threads under Building a Panther.
“Show us your panel” and “Show us your interior.”

Hopefully we can have someone make it a sticky at the top of that section. Let’s all post our pics for the other builders to see.

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Re: Instrument Panels and Interiors

Post by Jinkers »

Good idea. Not sure that SPA has to manage that though, it's more an issue of builders being willing to share which I don't see as a problem. Over on the Vans Airforce forum there are lots of threads like "Show us your finished Panel". Hopefully if you start a thread in the Avionics and Instruments section those who have completed there panels would post photo's and answer questions. Certainly worth the effort. Since I have been recently working on a panel layout in SolidWorks I would certainly post a screenshot of the progress and ask for suggestions.

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Re: Instrument Panels and Interiors

Post by jamesmil »

Great idea

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Instrument Panels and Interiors

Post by RonFranck »

This suggestion may be more for the moderators, something to consider, but it might benefit all current and future builders. That is to create a page where one could view examples of interiors and instrument panels as installed by the builders of completed Panthers. It would be a clearing house, of sorts where we might glean ideas :idea: on how to finish the interiors of our uncompleted Panthers. This, of course, would require submissions from the owners of completed Panthers, but who wouldn't want to show others their accomplishments?? Perhaps the owners might be so candid as to share what they might have done differently so we might avoid any pitfalls they have discovered in designing their panels and interior finishes.
So, what do you think? :? Needed? Helpful? Silly? Too much to put on SPA's resources? :?: Let me now your thoughts.

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