Horizontal stabilizer width, wheel base width, and and overa

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Re: Horizontal stabilizer width, wheel base width, and and o

Post by FHJ69 »

Awesome! Thank you sir!

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Re: Horizontal stabilizer width, wheel base width, and and o

Post by bluesflyer »

For my tailwheel version:

Wheel base - 68”

Horizontal width - 80.5” without fiberglass
88” with fiberglass

Height without cowl - 65” to 70” estimated
I haven’t installed the engine or cowl yet

You can also remove the horizontal to get it out of the basement and reinstall it with final hardware at the airport.


Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:22 pm
First Name: Frank
Last Name: Johnson
City or Town: Dickerson
State or Province: MD

Horizontal stabilizer width, wheel base width, and and overa

Post by FHJ69 »

Howdy folks, I have been looking for the following dimensions horizontal stabilizer width, wheel base width, and and overall height without prop to see if it is feasible to build the majority of the Panther in my basement. I have a walk out basement with french doors so I am able to move large items in and out and I hope this is possible.


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