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Panther Builders Manual

Navigation: Tail Assembly > Vertical Tail > Vertical Stab

Detailed instructions

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1. Prepare the parts according to Parts Preparation

2. On aft spar mark a line 7/16” from the FRONT face of the spar channel.  Mark the centerline of the upper rib to spar attach holes across the outside of both flanges. *NOTE - This is an important key to aligning the skins on the structure for proper fit! (see photo below)



3.Fit the P-T-VT-aft spar stiffener inside the P-T-VT-aft spar channel.  Radius the edge of the stiffener as needed for a tight fit.  Cleco in place

a.The lower portion of spar must use flush/ countersunk rivets flush front side. See plans

b.DO NOT rivet the holes where the ribs attach – see plans sheet P-T-HT VT spar details.

c.If you intend to use flush rivets to attach skins you may wait to rivet the stiffener to the rear spar channels until you have fitted the skins and hinges. This allows much better clearance for dimple dies. You can also grind the dies flat on one side if needed.  


4.Fit the P-T-VT-forward spar stiffener to the outside of the P-T-VT-forward spar stiffener.  Cleco in place.

5.Up drill the P-T-VT-forward spar stiffener/channel to #30.  Disassemble, debur and rivet

*NOTE – do not install rivets in the holes where the ribs attach – see plans sheet P-T-HT VT spar details