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Panther Builders Manual

Navigation: Wing Structure Assembly

Installation of Pitot Tube Doubler

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The pitot tube doubler gets installed on the LEFT side lower skin.

1.  Create a stiffener plate approximately 3” x 3” square out of 6061 T6 aluminum .040 thickness.  The plate butts up against the spar and rib #9.  The location of the pitot tube will be inboard of rib 9 on the left wing, just aft of the main spar. 


2.  Transfer drill the number #40 perimeter holes from the plate to the skin.  Transfer the center ¼” hole in the skin. Locate pitot tube through hole and align parallel to rib.  Transfer drill the holes for mounting the pitot tube through the skin and plate.  Updrill the holes to #30 for the perimeter, dimple as needed for flush rivets, then deburr as needed.  Install the rivets – BSC-42 if using countersunk rivets. 

It is not recommended to mount the pitot tube until final wing installation commences, as it is easily broken off.