Overview of Assembly of the Rear Fuselage
1.The rear fuselage is composed of upper and lower longerons, aluminum formed bulkheads, turtle-decks and formers, along with the aluminum sheet skins and attach brackets.
2.Most of the parts in the rear fuselage are pre-formed and pre-drilled if you purchased the kit, except for the longerons (upper and lower).
3.If your wing kit and rear fuselage kit have shipped separately then the longerons shipped with the wing spars (because of the length).
4.Prepare parts according to the instructions.
5.It is recommended to fit the entire rear fuselage together with clecos before riveting anything together
Order of assembly:
1.Prepare parts
2.Trim longerons
3.Drill lower longerons
4.Drill upper longerons
5.Fit longerons to side skins
6.Fit the stiffeners
7.Assemble lower bulkheads
8.Cleco TC sides to bulkheads
9.Square the lower skin
10.Cleco in the turtle deck formers and aft deck
11.Fit the upper skins and cleco
12.Fit the forward skin
13.Drill turtle deck formers to the fuselage bulkheads
14.Install tail wheel socket
15.Install bulkhead reinforcements