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Panther Builders Manual

Below are a few of the many considerations to be made for testing your aircraft.  Please use the points as additional info specific to the Panther – not as your only source for information.  Do your homework!

Prepping for First Test Flight


1.Have the airframe inspected by at least two trusted, experienced, and conservative people, who have not been intimately involved in project.  Be open to suggestions, and at least talk over any items that they question.  Some may be “preferences”, or seen as “departure from normal procedures” and OK, others may be actual safety issues.  In the end you will have to decide, but be open minded and consider the new information seriously.

2.Completely flush the fuel system several times.

3.Verify fuel flow at entrance to carburetor or fuel injector is a minimum 150% percent of max possible in the tail low conditions.

Note:  Use engine manufactures recommendation if higher than 150%

4.Test static/pitot System and verify Altimeter, and Airspeed Indicator.

5.Run the engine for several hours and verify all flight critical systems.

The engine should be able to run full throttle on ground with cowling on for at least 2 minutes without over heating or failing to operate correctly.  It will NOT “get better in the air”.




The test pilot should have extensive experience in similar type aircraft (RVs, Sonex, T-18 etc.)  The Panther is easy to fly, but first flights typically have some issues to work through, and it is not the time to be “learning to fly it” (this type aircraft).  The test pilot should have good judgment and put his safety ahead of the aircrafts.

First flight Considerations


Much has been written on test flying experimental aircraft. We recommend reviewing as much as possible. Below are a few Of MANY things to consider about first flight. The Number 1 rule of test flying (and flying in general) is to stack the deck in your favor!

1.Use the most experienced pilot available for the first few flights.  If not the builder, brief them on emergency procedures and any airframe or engine operational differences in your aircraft, vs what he/she has been flying.  STACK THE DECK IN YOUR FAVOR

2.Use the longest runway at the least congested airport possible.  The folding wing or easy removal make it a simple matter to do the first flights at the best facility possible.  NO excuses!   STACK THE DECK IN YOUR FAVOR

3.Conduct flights in cool weather, and light winds.  STACK THE DECK IN YOUR FAVOR

4.For first flights we many times tow aircraft to end of runway.  Start, lightly warm engine and depart.  Do not start the first flight after doing high speed taxi testing or crow hops, with the engine already fully warm (or hot).  It will NOT quickly cool down in the air!  STACK THE DECK IN YOUR FAVOR

5.You should be getting the point by now… STACK THE DECK IN YOUR FAVOR