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Panther Builders Manual

Navigation: Forward Fuselage > Fitting Bottom Skins to Fuselage

Transfer drill holes in bottom skin

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1.  Transfer drill qty 4 3/16” holes for the control stick bearings.  2 are on the bracket just behind the wing spar as shown, and 2 are below the seat.


2. Transfer drill 2 #18 (0.169”) holes for the lower center spar guide block.


Note: if you do not have a small enough drill as shown you can mark through holes and drill when skin is off for deburring

3.  Transfer drill using 3/16” drill 1 left spar adjuster hole, and 1 right side spar adjuster hole.  Holes will be upsized to ¼” after you remove the bottom skin. Caution:  You will be drilling through the center of the nut.  Be careful not to damage the threads.


Note:  If you do not have a small enough drill as shown you can mark through holes and drill when skin is off for deburring

4. Optional: If you desire to mount a step, mark around the step holder tube on the lower skin and cut out hole after skin is removed.
