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Panther Builders Manual

1.  Start with the R and Left inner ribs, support plates, and fuel pickup doublers prepped as above.  Give each part a last cleaning with 100% Acetone and lint free

towel. Do not touch with bare fingers after final cleaning (time to put on the gloves here).


2. Find the correct rivets on plans (42 and 43 length closed end protruding head) and put in small container with 100% Acetone, swirl around a bit and lay on a stack of clean paper towels to dry. This will clean the all oil etc. off rivets.


3. Using your micro scale weight out about 10 g Part A and the correct proportions of part B sealant. Combine and mix thoroughly. Follow manufacturer’s directions, in general the proper mix proportion and fully mixing are very important.


FuelTankRS-04042015jpg (21)


FuelTankRS-04042015jpg (24)


4.  With mixing stick, and short brush.  Apply a thin layer to the both mating surfaces of the inner rib and the support plate.  Work smoothly and avoid introducing air bubbles.  Line up and push parts together tightly.


FuelTankRS-38-2with a


5.  Install clecos in most of the holes and squeeze excess sealant, and any air out. Install closed end protruding head “42 length” rivets per plans brushing a dab of sealant on each rivet stem before installing.


6.  Apply sealant to the area around the fuel pickup doubler and on the mating surface of the double itself.  Assemble with clecos then rivet with closed end protruding head “43 length” as above brushing sealant on the rivet stems before installing.


7.  Using the brush, smoothly and evenly, coat the heads of each rivet.  Smooth the excess sealant around the perimeter of the inner support and the pickup

doubler, but be sure to leave a “fillet “around the entire edge.


8.  Flip rib and coat the back side of each rivet.


9.  Coat the area around the pickup tube hole will sealant on each side. Clean the pickup tube bulkhead fitting and nut with 100% acetone and install.


10. Coat the area around the vent tube fitting one each side. Clean the vent tube fitting with 100% acetone and install with flare pointing straight down (see photo below)


11. Coat the pickup tube, and vent fittings on both sides with sealant. (see photo below)


Note: Use caution to prevent sealant from entering the inside of fittings and the tube itself. As soon as practical cover fittings with tape or AN fitting caps

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12. Brush sealant around and over the heads on both sides of the ¼” rivet plugging the tooling hole.


13. On ribs 6 R/L Final clean the area around the ¼” tooling hole plug rivets and brush sealant around both sides.


14. Repeat these steps on the Left rib.