Note: You may choose to not permanently attach the bubble to skirt at this time. It may be easier to accomplish the body work and paint prep of the skirt before permanently attaching the bubble skirt.
You have three options to attach the bubble to the skirt.
1.We recommend using 3M 5200 to bond the bubble to the fiber glass skirt, and then fastening with screws and lock nuts.
a.The 3M 5200 comes in white (McMaster-Carr 67015A31) and black (McMaster-Carr 67015A51), and also a quick set White (McMaster-Carr 67015A44). We suggest the standard slow set black (McMaster-Carr 67015A51).
b.Attach using 6-32 screws, finish washers on the outside, and washers with nyloc nuts on the inside to attach the bubble to the skirt.
2. The other, often used, option is Sika Flex adhesive and the 6-32 screws. This is a popular option on other types of aircraft, and has worked well for many. Follow the manufactures directions on which product, primers, surface prep etc. to use with the Sika Flex.
3.Another option is to use only the 6-32 screws, finish washers on the outside, and washers with nyloc nuts on the inside to attach the bubble to the skirt (no bonding). We did this on the original installation on the Panther prototype.
We recommend bonding and screws. The bonding seals the bubble to the skirt so water doesn’t run inside during washing or when sitting out in rain. The screws add a secondary mechanical attachment and removes the need to fill the cleco holes. Plus we like the look of the Stainless screws and finish washers.