Note- early TC kits need P-F-TC-bulkhead 4 trimmed slight per P-T-HT-VT install plans sheet (lower left) for pushrod clearance. Later Kits have this change already made
Note – the turtle deck formers slide in between the top bulkheads so make sure to only rivet the bulkheads where noted on the plans at this time!
Overview – There are a total of five bulkheads in the tail cone. They are made from .025 and .032 6061 T6 formed channel aluminum. This construction is very simple, goes together quickly and is very strong and sturdy.
1.Using plans sheet P-F-TC-bulkheads/ misc details, identify then prepare parts according to the instructions.
2.Start with P-F-TC- bulkhead 1 which consists of three vertical channels (P6112-P6114) and two horizontal channels (P6115,P6116)
3.The parts easily cleco together – pay close attention to hole orientation and which way the channel flanges face.
4.The parts should cleco together in perfect alignment , but verify with a square as shown before up drilling and riveting (below)
5. Updrill only holes to be riveted at this time per plans sheet P-F-TC-bulkheads/ misc details, disassemble, debur, prime if desired and reassemble .install rivets, type size and orientation per plans.(If you have enough clecos you can wait and rivet at later time)
6.Continue with P-F-TC-bulkhead 2 in same manner (Parts P6117-P6120) (above)
7.P-F-TC-bulkhead 3 (P6121) is a single bulkhead with qty 2 P-F-TC-nylon cable guides (P6904) installed on aft side. Cleco, up drill to #30, and install as shown on plans sheets with qty 8 BSP-46 rivets. (below)