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Panther Builders Manual

Navigation: Forward Fuselage > Mounting Horizontal and Vertical Stabilizers

Drilling mounts for horizontal stabilizer

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1.Transfer drill holes in Forward and aft mounts through upper longeron and bulkhead reinforcement angles.  There is approximately 5/8” of material you are drilling through, so try to drill as straight and square as you can, a second person checking can be helpful.  Drill initially the #30 holes, then upsize the holes in steps to #16, and finally ream to .1880 for close tolerance bolts similar to what is used in the wing spars.  These bolts should be a light drive fit, some bolts that are on the high side of the tolerance may need to have the holes reamed slightly larger.




2.Transfer #30 holes in rear spar through the rear mounts.  A 6” bit is also helpful here.  Next upsize holes to #16 in steps and finally ream to 0.1880” for light drive close tolerance bolts.  4 holes total.



3.Transfer drill #30 holes in front spar into the forward mounts.  A small standard drill can be used to drill these.  Again upsize to #16 and ream to 0.1880” for light drive close tolerance bolts.  4 holes total.

