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Panther Builders Manual

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Elevator Reversing arm Installation

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1. Install BC4W10 flange bearing into P4507 Elevator reversing arm.  Note the different sides of the bearing, they have a flange to retain the inner bearing to the housing.  Orient bearing in reversing arm as shown.  You will have to bevel the edge of the hole in the arm to give room for the radius of the bearing flange.    Check the size of the holes at the end, if they are under ¼”, increaseIncrease size of holes at ends of arm to ¼” and skip to step 5.  See step 2 for early reversing arms with holes larger than 5/16”.



2. Early ones had holes larger than ¼” and need to have a 5/16” OD bushing ¼” ID bushing installed.  For these, measure OD of bushing, and enlarge hole to .001 to .002 smaller and press bushing in place.  Sand bushing to thickness of reversing arm.


3. Press bushings into place with vice.


4. Sand down bushings to thickness of reversing arm.



5.  Clamp pushrod cover to vertical tube, transfer drill ¼” hole in tube through pushrod cover.


6.  Install elevator reversing arm with hardware shown
