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Panther Builders Manual

Navigation: Rigging > Elevator Rigging

Elevator Up Stop

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1. Set elevator to neutral with a straight edge across center of tooling holes in rib, and center of holes in elevator.


2. It is recommended to cut a block of wood to the correct thickness to hold the elevator at the neutral position.  It will be necessary to return to neutral position many times while rigging the elevator.


3. Angle finder is set on the top surface of the elevator and set to 0 (hit the calibrate button on this model from Harbor Freight).  It will rarely read absolute 0 so keep it with .2 or .3 degrees.


4. The camera did not pickup all of the numbers on the display, it should read 24.9 degrees.  25 degrees trailing edge up is what the elevator should be rigged to.


5. The vertical stabilizer mounting bracket also forms the up-stop.  It needs to be filed down in order to get maximum deflection.  Temporarily mounting the bracket will make it easier to remove and file edge down without having to remove the elevators.


6. This picture shows the elevator at neutral, in order to show a better view of area to file.  Elevator joiner control arms may not be even with each other, so the bracket may need to be filed uneven to match.  Keep large radiuses in bracket to minimize possible cracking.
