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Panther Builders Manual

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Finishing Bottom Skin

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1. With bottom skin removed, continue the lines drawn around the tube in part 1.  Sketch an oval inside of the lines drawn


2. On right side of the bottom skin, enlarge hole drilled in part 1 to ¼”.  Install doubler for landing gear cutout using BSPS-42. Note: these are installed for both TD and Tri-Gear aircraft. (TD skins shown)If building a Tri-Gear airframe install the P4204 gear leg cut out stiffeners (not shown) with BSPS-42 rivets


3. On right side of the bottom skin, enlarge hole drilled in part 1 to ¼”.  Install doubler for landing gear cutout using BSPS-42. Note: these are installed for both TD and Tri-Gear aircraft. (TD skins shown)If building a Tri-Gear airframe install the P4204 gear leg cut out stiffeners (not shown) with BSPS-42 rivets


4. Rivet stiffeners that were fitted in Part 1 Section to the bottom skin.
