1. Make sure left fuselage skin is still clecoed in position. With the left wing installed and pinned, cleco wing walkway doubler P2406 1 hole outboard of standard position (1” outboard of normal location).
2. Measure from fuselage at the leading edge of the doubler 1 1/16” from fuselage, and mark. The extra 1/16” is to allow for the rubber edge molding that will be installed after paint. Note: The line we drew was before accounting for the edging, thus it shows 1”.
3. Measure and mark doubler 1 1/16” out from skin towards the trailing edge of the doubler.
4. Mark line from leading edge to trailing edge. This will be the line the doubler will be cut to.
5. Cut doubler and double check fit against fuselage. With the doubler clecoed in correct holes, there should be a 1/16” gap between fuselage and wing doubler. Do not install doubler until fuel tank has been fitted, as the leading edge of the doubler may need to be trimmed to fit flush with the fuel tank.