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Panther Builders Manual

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The Panther Elevator control systems has two options:  A neutral elevator spring, or a counterbalance weight (mass balance).  You will need to decide which system you will use before installing elevator control system. You cannot install both systems, below is some information to help you decide which system you need.

Elevator Neutral Spring

Instructions detailed in section 5.1.6

Points regarding the Elevator Neutral Spring Option:

Is the light weight and easy to install.

It is intended for lighter engines. (Corvair, Jabiru, UL 350 , Continentals and Lycoming 0-233/0-235) regardless of wing length.

Is restricted to “Panther LS” VNE.

oNote: ALL long wing configurations are restricted to Panther LS VNE limits regardless of which system or engine you choose.

Is used in Panther prototype

Counterbalance weight (mass balance)

Instructions detailed in this section


Points regarding the Elevator Counterbalance Weight Option:

Is used only with heavier engines (0-320, UL 490,520 etc.)

Do not use with lighter engines (Corvair, Jabiru, UL 350 , Continentals and Lycoming 0-233/0-235) Due to extra weight in the extreme aft end of aircraft, with lighter engines it may be very difficult to bring aircraft into acceptable CG range.

Allows Panther Sport (short wing) VNE

Note: Use caution when using the counterbalance and any other options (large tail wheels, Autopilots and other systems mounted aft of the CG).

Additional Notes

The Aurora MW-5 Rod ends are a very cost effective rod end that has the required 5/16” thread to fit the flight control rods.  The hole for the bolt is also 5/16” and requires bushings to reduce the diameter to either ¼” or 3/16”.

CAUTION:  Rod ends must have minimum 1.5x thread diameter of threads into the rod end for safety.  MW-5s need 15/32 inch (11.9 mm) minimum.  In general all rod end connections are designed to be threaded almost fully to set the push rod assembled length.  If for proper adjustment the push rod needs to be shortened after fabricating, extra threads are available, and can be trimmed to allow a slightly shorter length.

Neutral position for all flight controls can be found by using a straight edge down the center of the tooling holes on the ribs and control surface.

The Angle finder used in these steps must be calibrated at each use for the neutral position of the flight control.  Failure to do so, will lead to incorrect rigging.

Never fold the wings and rest them on the horizontal stabilizer or transport the aircraft without the vertical stabilizer, or another stiffener installed.  Damage to the rear tailcone skins and lower longerons can occur.

Always use pads on the horizontal stabilizer with plywood inside to spread the load across the horizontal stabilizer and wing leading edge.  Failure to do so can damage the wing and stab leading edges.

Control Surface Travel Table

Control Surface

Trailing edge up

Trailing edge down



20 o


21-22 o

11-12 o


25o left

25 o right


Overview of Assembly

1.  Install elevator joiner

2.  Set elevator up stop

3.  Set elevator down stop

4.  Make aft elevator control tube

5.  Install forward elevator control tube

6.  Install counterbalance weight or spring

7. Install elevator trim cable

8. Rig rudder cables