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Panther Builders Manual

Navigation: Rigging > Wing Fold Installation (Optional)

Wing Fold Slide Tube (Optional)

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2. Print out wing fold tube and flap spring template full size and wrap around one end of the wing fold tube.  Be sure that the two ends touch each other and tape together.


3. Mark around template for the cutouts at the end of the wingfold tube.


4. Drill a #40 pilot hole on each side of tube at the center marks of the template.  


5. Remove template and enlarge holes to ¼” and run it completely through both sides of the tube.


6. Cut the end of the tube to match the lines marked on the tube previously.  This allows room for the wing fold U-joint to swivel.


7. On other end of tube drill a ¼” hole through the tube for a stop bolt that will be installed later.
